The View From Under The Bucket
Waiting for first reactions to your very first book is a bit like waiting for the results of a really important exam. Yes, you need to know how things went, but the urge to hide in a corner with a bucket on your head is strong. Fortunately, Nicole Kimberling at Blind Eye Books has been passing notes under the bucket to let me know me that so far, early feedback seems to be pretty good, so... I'm throwing tentative confetti into the air, which is landing on the bucket (I know there's no such thing as tentative confetti but please go with the image).
Just as a FYI, for anyone interested, among other visits, I'll be popping in to see Joyfully Jay on October 4, which is publication day for Bitter Legacy and descending on Josh Lanyon for a dose of nonsense on October 7. I hope to see you there (bring confetti, or a bucket).